Carbon Positive Company
Since November 2024 we are recognized by Green Development and Green Footprint as a Carbon Positive Company for our manufacturing process by not only quantifying and offsetting our carbon footprint, but also offsetting an additional 10% of our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions through an investment in renewable energy, and we are committed to keep reducing and compensating our carbon footprint in the years to come.
ISO 14001 Certified Company
We are focused on protecting our environment and reducing our environmental impact, working under a culture of sustainability with environmentally friendly methods, materials, processes and practices.

Natural Refrigerants
Every single commercial refrigeration model made by Fogel utilizes hydrocarbon refrigerants, which are natural, whereas HFC synthetic refrigerants, such as R-134a and R-404, have been discontinued in production. These hydrocarbon refrigerants -either R600a or R-290 - have negligible global warming potential compared to their synthetic counterparts.
Fogel has invested more than US$ 5MM to increase its manufacturing capacity, including machinery and components to manufacture commercial refrigerators using hydrocarbons across all assembly lines at our factory in Guatemala, as well as adding more R&D laboratory chambers to test and certify the new and greener versions of the models we offer to our customers.
Utilization of Renewable Energy
Sustainability and caring for the environment are strong commitments that we have built into the core of our business. We utilize renewable energy at our facilities in Mixco, Guatemala – now running on solar power – which include both manufacturing and administrative operations.
The utilization of renewable energy helps us to further reduce our carbon footprint avoiding the emission of +460 tons of CO2 per year. Our roof-based solar array consists of over 1,350 solar panels with a peak capacity of 775 kilowatts of power, which has begun generating an estimated 1.17MM kilowatts of clean energy per year.

Sustainable Procurement Practices
We have implemented a Sustainable Procurement Program to ensure that we do business with suppliers that behave ethically and are looking to have positive environmental and social impacts.
Our suppliers must abide by our Supplier Code of Ethics, which dictates the standards that we expect from them. This code includes topics such as: Bribery and Corruption, Transparency, Environmental Policies, and Working Conditions, among others.
Science-Based Targets
Our sustainability efforts are highlighted by our ambitious Science-Based Targets - approved by The Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) - aligned with the world's carbon mitigation requirements. As one of the first companies in Central America with approved targets and, as a pioneer in the region, Fogel leads the way in sustainability practices in the commercial refrigeration sector.
Our SBTi-approved targets reflect our focus on sustainability and our determination to further reduce our greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) by 2030 across all emission scopes. The three challenging objectives we have set are in alignment with the latest climate science to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels as follows:
- Fogel de Centroamerica, S.A. commits to reduce absolute scope 1 GHG emissions 45% by 2030 from a 2021 base year.
- Fogel de Centroamerica, S.A. also commits to reduce absolute scope 2 emissions by 65% within the same timeframe.
- Fogel de Centroamerica, S.A. further commits to reduce scope 3 GHG emissions 52% per equivalent unit produced from purchased goods and services and use of sold products within the same timeframe.
These objectives illustrate the relevance of sustainability in Fogel’s business model, not only for the stakeholders within the company’s scope but also for the common good of the environment, and to inspire other companies to establish their own carbon emission reduction targets.
Science-Based Targets are goals set by businesses to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in alignment with the latest scientific climate studies and which are considered necessary to limit global warming to meet the Paris Agreement goals. The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) is a global body enabling companies and financial institutions to set their emissions reduction targets so that they are congruent to these global climate objectives.

Scope 3 Emissions
We have measured our scope 3 emissions through a more comprehensive and detailed analysis to identify focal points along our supply chain and operations, in which we can further reduce our carbon footprint and improve efficiencies.
Scope 3 emissions are indirect emissions that occur because of a company’s operations, but from sources not owned or controlled by the company such as supply chain, transportation and distribution, business travel, leased assets, etc.
Sustainable Processes
- Propane gas as fuel for our forlifts.
- More natural illumination in our facilites.
- LED lighting in our facilities.
- Recycling and reuse.
- Wastewater treatment plants.
- Recovery and recycling of refrigerants.
- Software for measuring our footprint.
- Less use of stationary diesel.
Environmentally Friendly Features
- CFC-free and HFC-free products.
- Poliurethane insulation with cyclopentan as the blowing agent.
- Energy efficient products.
- Energy saving electronic controls.
- LED illumination.
- Variable speed compressors, optional.
- Energy efficient electronic motors.
- Low-E technology on glass panes.
- Wire & Tube condensers.
- Natural refrigerants with negligible GWP.